Driving better environmental performance

A key pillar of our sustainability strategy focuses on reducing the direct and indirect environmental impacts of our products and on helping to drive the decarbonisation of heating. We recognise the urgent need to reduce global emissions and manage resources efficiently, and our actions will ensure we play our part in meeting these global aims.

Our existing products can operate effectively with all heat sources, but as alternatives to fossil fuels are developed, we will continue to innovate and introduce complementary products as part of a coherent offering for lower and zero carbon heating systems.

In the design, manufacture and distribution of our products, we are working to understand our environmental impacts and will target improvements as part of a long-term journey to net zero emissions. We will engage our value chain in this work, looking to optimise our packaging design and reduce the environmental impact of the raw materials that we use in our products. We also have a clear role to play in influencing positive behavioural change for consumers to encourage the decarbonisation of heating.


Please find a selection of our performance reports below:

Please download our Global Carbon Report below:

Please download our Carbon Balance Sheet below:

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